Qualitative/ Nvivo coding Services


Coding qualitative data is a specialised job that requires skills in data comprehension, theme development, identifying commonalities and contrasting ideas, and data structuring to give it meaning and interpretation. 

We provide high-quality data coding services for qualitative Content analysis using NVivo software. All you need is either a recording, which you can send us for transcription first and then data coding, or you can provide us the transcripts and we can do the data coding using NVivo software. You can interpret and deduce results once you have the coded files.

Our professional qualitative content analysis services will help you save time and bring quality to your work.

Thematic Analysis Using NVivo: Insights from Qualitative Data

Thematic analysis using NVivo is a widely used qualitative research method that enables researchers to uncover meaningful patterns and themes within textual or visual data. When combined with NVivo, a powerful qualitative data analysis software, researchers gain access to robust tools and functionalities that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their analysis.

By exploring thematic analysis using NVivo, researchers can unlock the full potential of their qualitative data, revealing rich insights and deepening their understanding of complex phenomena. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, NVivo proves to be a valuable tool in conducting rigorous and systematic thematic analysis, empowering researchers to make meaningful contributions to their respective fields.

Thematic content analysis with NVivo

Thematic content analysis is a method used to analyse qualitative data, such as interview transcripts, documents, or open-ended survey responses. NVivo is a software tool commonly used for qualitative data analysis, including thematic content analysis. It provides a range of features and functionalities that can assist researchers in organising, coding, open coding in qualitative research and analysing their data.

Thematic content analysis with NVivo enables researchers to uncover meaningful insights, interpret the data, and develop coherent narratives based on the identified themes. It supports a systematic and rigorous approach to qualitative data analysis, providing researchers with a comprehensive understanding of their data and generating valuable findings.

Thematic content analysis involves systematically coding qualitative data to identify recurring themes, ideas, or concepts that emerge from the data. NVivo provides a range of features and functionalities that facilitate this process. Researchers can import various types of qualitative data, such as interview transcripts, documents, or open-ended survey responses, into NVivo for analysis.

How many types of coding in qualitative research?

Qualitative research uses several coding methods used to analyze and interpret data. These coding methods help researchers organize, categorize, and make sense of qualitative data. Here are five commonly used qualitative coding types:

1. Open Coding: Open coding in qualitative research involves the initial exploration and identification of concepts, ideas, or patterns in the data. It is a process of breaking down data into smaller units and assigning descriptive codes to represent their content. Open coding is often used in grounded theory methodology and helps researchers discover and generate original concepts directly from the data.

2. Inductive Coding: Inductive coding in qualitative research plays a crucial role in generating insights, identifying patterns, and developing theories directly from the data. It involves the development of codes directly from the data without preconceived categories or theoretical frameworks. Inductive coding allows patterns, themes, and categories to emerge from the data itself, allowing for data-driven analysis. It is often associated with the grounded theory methodology and is characterized by its exploratory and iterative nature.

3. QSR Coding: QSR NVivo Coding is popular qualitative data analysis software that provides a range of tools and features to assist researchers in compiling and analyzing qualitative data. Coding in QSR NVivo refers to the process of assigning labels or codes to segments of data to categorise and organise the information for further analysis. NVivo offers a flexible and systematic approach to coding. This allows researchers to code different types of qualitative data, including interviews, surveys, audio/video recordings, and documents. QSR NVivo coding facilitates the efficient and systematic organization, analysis, and retrieval of qualitative data. It helps researchers manage and analyse large volumes of qualitative data, gain insights, and develop meaningful interpretations of the data.

These coding methods can be used individually or in combination, depending on the research objectives, the nature of the data, and the analytical approach being employed. Researchers should select and adapt coding methods that best align with their research goals and the nature of the qualitative data they are working with.

Qualitative data coding - Important points explained

1. What is qualitative data?

Generally, non-numerical data are referred to as "qualitative data" (though some variations exist in what is strictly considered to be qualitative data). This type of data typically refers to words and text, including spoken words (sometimes numbers can also be considered qualitative data). Textual information can occur in a variety of formats, including transcripts, observational notes, journal entries, internal documentation, documents available on the World Wide Web, etc.

2. What is coding in qualitative research?

Coding refers to the process of organising and labelling qualitative data in order to identify various recurrent themes and the connections among them. It involves identifying words or phrases that represent significant (and recurrent) themes in each response or data element. This process of thematic analysis is at the core of qualitative data coding (or coding in qualitative research), as it allows grouping and structuring ideas and uncovering patterns to provide meaning to the qualitative data.

3. Why is it important to code qualitative data?

The interpretation and understanding of the meaning of qualitative data become easier when it is coded. By assigning codes to words and phrases, the researcher can understand the patterns in the data and be able to develop a structure and summarise the data for drawing conclusions.

Coding qualitative data is therefore important as it allows for data-driven decisions. The process also entails transparency and repeatability, which enhance the reliability and validity of findings. Identifying commonalities and contrasts in ideas helps unravel new information, resulting in the creation of new knowledge.

Read our blog

1) Project management is a well-architected, deliberate approach with well-defined moves and routines to accomplish the set objectives. This could mean that the basic role of project management is to reduce disorder or uncertainty within the system, in this case, a project organization. Or, in other words, reducing entropy within the project organization.
However, given that project fail and face so many problems, the question is: do the projects fail because project management as a holistic approach is unable to reduce or control the entropy of the system?
In the blog titled titled "Entropy and Project Management ", the author attempts to answer that.  Read more .... to get to know more about entropy and its role in project management.

2) Project Management as-a-Service (PMaaS) is an emerging concept and is seen as a shift in thinking and mindset in how project management can be used. It is touted as a new business model in line with a series of on-demand cloud based service offerings such as Infrastructure as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform as-a-Service (PaaS), Desktop as-a-Service (DaaS) to name a few.
Apparently, PMaaS is a suite of cloud-based solutions that allow project planning, assist in project execution, monitoring and control.
For the purpose of developing an understanding, we define PMaaS as an approach to improve the effectiveness of project management within an organization by integrating internal capabilities with expertise and technological solutions of external service providers for demand driven resource procurement, utilization and management; real-time project monitoring and on-demand troubleshooting of issues and known risks throughout the project life-cycle. The question remains, whether PMaaS has any practical utility?
In a blog post titled "Project Management as-a-service (PMaaS): Time to think from within the box ", the author attempts to answer that.  Read more .... to get to know more about PMaaS and its role in project management.

3) Project governance is a mechanism to set objectives, exercise control, and establish a framework for decision-making, authority and compliance. Projects being temporary structures raises the question of whether governance in projects is a matter of strategy or just an operational routine activity.
From a practical standpoint, project governance should be construed as a composition of two key aspects: (a) aligning projects with strategy and (b) setting up of the structure of projects. As the PM maturity of organizations varies, it presents challenges to use such an approach. The situation necessitates further discussion about how do we make the utility of project governance simple and more applicable for organizations with little to no expertise and foundation in adopting this approach.
In a blog post titled "Project Governance", the author attempts to examine that.  Read more .... to get to know more about Project Governance and its role in project management.

4) The launch of ChatGPT has created a buzz and a sense of interest among various sections of society with heightened curiosity about its utility and implications. Expectations are that the applications of ChatGPT will be diverse and for all sorts of things.
It opens up opportunities to explore the utility of ChatGPT for project management as well. Some of the potential avenues are knowledge augmentation, problem resolutions (where possible by gaining clarity and answers to some questions), sparking creative thoughts, and learning from human-machine interaction for developing this relationship further to improve project efficiencies.
In a blog post titled "ChatPGT, NLP and Project Management", the author attempts to examine use of ChatGPT, NLP and artificial intelligence (AI) in project management.  Read more .... to get to know more about use of NLP and AI in project management.

5) The relentless generation, dissemination, and repurposing of information on an ongoing basis has made people dependent on technologies that can help them find the relevant information in the minimum amount of time possible. Therefore, the important role search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing play in retrieving and presenting the most relevant information (terms such as googling or googlization are often used to describe such activities) is undeniable.
The growing advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and its sub-fields of deep learning (DL) and natural language processing (NLP) are making it possible for search engines to produce the best results for the search query in a tick.
It raises the question of whether it is possible to use the information resources (project- and non-project-based) made available by SnQ bots in any way possible, and if so, what could be some of the ways in which it can be done?
In a blog post titled "Googlization and PM knowledge", the author attempts to examine use of search volume generated by search engines for benefit of project management advancement.  Read more .... to get to know more about it.

6) The launch of ChatGPT has created a buzz and a general sense of excitement. These developments in generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT) are surely something that entrepreneurs will be keen to explore and investigate how applications like ChatGPT can be used. So how can ChatGPT help entrepreneurs?
In a blog post titled "5 ways ChatGPT can help entrepreneurs", the author suggests five potential ways in which ChatGPT can help entrepreneurs achieve their goals.  Read more .... to get to know more about it.

7) The growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) across a variety of domains, including healthcare, transportation, education, and wider business management, is making headlines. The advent of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT has only contributed to furthering interest in the use of AI for all sorts of purposes.
One of the key subsets of AI is machine learning (ML). To put it simply, ML is a mechanism whereby a machine learns by understanding patterns in data and improves its prediction accuracy during the training process within the scope of the data fed into it and the algorithm it uses.
Despite the bullish outlook, the question of whether people within project management see it the same way or are excited about it is anybody’s guess. This means the value proposition of use of machine learning in PM is not well articulated. With that in mind, in a blog post titled " Why should project management professionals know about Machine Learning? ", the author discusses five reasons for people within PM to learn about ML.  Read more .... to get to know more about it.